We probably don’t need an excuse to give beautiful roses to those we love, but this month gives us a perfect opportunity regardless. June is National Rose Month and is your chance to have a fabulous bouquet of these timeless beauties delivered to make someone’s day. Although a go-to flower for birthdays, weddings, and many other special occasions, you can give roses any day of the year. During these months, we love the vivid colors of summer roses, available from Bice’s Florist
A Rose of Any Other Color? Roses grow in every color except true blue and black. Flowers sold as “black roses” are actually a deep, dark red color.
Rose bushes are remarkably resilient and can survive for incredible spans of time. A rosebush in Germany has been blooming for over 1,000 years; and a rosebush in Tombstone, Arizona has grown to such a large size that over 200,000 flowers bloom on its branches. It is suspended by an arbor for guests to sit under.

Roses are loved all over the world. The rose is the national flower of England, Honduras, Poland, Romania, and the United States, as well as the official state flower of Georgia, Iowa, New York, North Dakota and the District of Columbia.
Roses varieties come in many sizes, the smallest of which grows buds no larger than a grain of rice. The largest bloom ever grown was a pink rose measuring approximately 33 inches in diameter, bred by Nikita K. Rulhoksoffski from California.
“I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.” – Emma Goldman
This June, send a few beautiful roses to your friends in Fort Worth, and let them know just how much they mean to you. Call Bice’s Florist to find out which are fresh and in the shop!