National Romance Month is upon us, and that means August is a good time to think about what it means to be romantic. How we show romance has changed throughout the ages, but the idea is still the same- let the person you love know it in a creative and captivating way. The floral experts at Bice’s Florist have some great ideas for wooing your partner- shop our online collection or give us a call if you’re looking for some romantic ideas.
Romance has not always been a necessity for gaining a partner. In ancient times, and even still in some cultures today, arranged marriages took the need for cultivating love out of the equation. Historically, the Victorian Era in England saw the rise of romance in courtships and marriage, to the degree that it was a primary focus. Chastity and honor were revered virtues, as well, so romantic bonds were often slow to form and were usually guided by the watchful eye of chaperones or parents. The formality of introductions, written correspondence, and subtlety presided over most relationships, so romantic gestures often appeared in the form of the written word (like letters or poetry) or through meaningful gifts. For example, an interested gentleman might send a lady a pair of gloves. If she wore them in public, it was her sign to him that she accepted his advances.
Today it is acceptable and even encouraged to be more creative with affectionate gestures. Romance can often be forgotten in our fast-paced world, but it can also be exhibited in more unconventional ways. However, there is still no real substitute for traditional gifts, classic flowers, and good old-fashioned poetry when expressing one’s romantic feelings.
The Five Most Romantic Flowers
Identifying a “romantic” floral bouquet often lies in the eye of the beholder. However, the language of flowers tells us that there are indeed blooms that are rich in romantic symbolism and deserve their place in romantic August arrangements.
Roses are a timeless bloom and are generally connected to romantic occasions, especially Valentine’s Day. They symbolize passion, desire, love, and fascination.
Orchids are also beautiful flowers linked to refinement, luxury, love, and romance. They provide delicate hues that enhance any arrangement but can also be admired as a single stem in a pot on its own.
Lilies, especially red lilies, are another strong symbol of longing, love, romance, and passion. While the red petals capture our attention and remind us of romantic moments, their overall brilliance is something to remember.
Daisies are a sweet sign of new beginnings and true love, which make them the perfect addition to romantic floral arrangements. Whether you are entering a budding relationship or have been married for decades, daisies are a unique romantic summer bloom.
Sunflowers are often seen as big, bold flowers that represent peace and happiness. However, the symbolism of sunflowers also includes loyalty, love, and adoration, which means loading up on these yellow flowers is awfully romantic.

A box of chocolates, a plush teddy bear, and a dozen red roses with an “I Love You” balloon, as seen above in “The Romantic” display, leaves little question about how you feel! Say it clear and bold with this winning combination.
Whether you love to let your creative side shine or prefer to choose classic and traditional to communicate your love, be the romantic your partner knows you are during National Romance Month. Talk to the floral designers at Bice’s Florist about the perfect design for you. And remember, we deliver to businesses and residents throughout the Fort Worth area!