Watauga Flower Delivery
At Bice's Florist, we believe that flowers add something special to any occasion or event, from first birthdays to 50-year anniversaries. This is why we are proud to be a local florist offering same-day flower delivery to Watauga, TX and the rest of Tarrant county, with every order backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. No matter what the occasion is, count on Bice's to supply the freshest and most fragrant blooms to help you celebrate. Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, and other holidays are our specialty! Order a stunning mixed vased arrangement for your loved one online, or stop by our flower shop to pick up a bouquet from our cooler. We can even create custom orders of your recipient's favorite flowers. Is your special someone in the hospital? Bice's delivers flowers directly to local hospitals at your convenience. We can also deliver sympathy flowers and funeral flowers directly to the funeral home or memorial service location.
In the market for a non-floral gift? Choose from a wide variety of lush and easy-to-care-for green plants, blooming plants, and gift baskets packed with their favorite snacks and gourmet treats. There is no shortage of fantastic gift options at Bice's! Send a gift basket filled with delectable fruit and chocolates, or allow us to build you a custom gift basket for your Watauga gift delivery. No matter the occasion or the gift, Bice's Florist will get it where it needs to go. Shop online or call us today for personalized assistance.
ZIP Codes Served
76137, 76148, 76248.